Postpartum care; Products you need to recover

by sinitta bajaj

The Birthing Box -

What every mom needs postpartum 



If you ladies think your postpartum recovery is going to look as easy and graceful as Kylie Jenner, you may be an inch off your mark. We don’t mean to scare you, only to prepare you!

New mamas are often satisfied thinking pregnancy is the most difficult part of their birthing journeys, and of course, the birth itself. But they are often blurring the rather thin line between postpartum care and baby care. You see, the two are not all that different at all. In fact, they go hand in hand. 

A baby’s health entirely depends on the health of the mama. And if poor mama is over-exhausted, in over her head, or unprepared, the both of you may end up suffering. Who’s that going to help? 

In times like these, you mamas need all the help you can get. Of course, most of you wish to magically receive a postpartum care box at your doorstep. What if we tell you that’s actually possible? Yes, we’re talking about the Mamacare Birthing Box! 

But before that, we must discuss why you need this box in the first place!


The Birthing Box - What every mom needs postpartum 

If you ladies think your postpartum recovery is going to look as easy and graceful as Kylie Jenner, you may be an inch off your mark. We don’t mean to scare you, only to prepare you!

New mamas are often satisfied thinking pregnancy is the most difficult part of their birthing journeys, and of course, the birth itself. But they are often blurring the rather thin line between postpartum care and baby care. You see, the two are not all that different at all. In fact, they go hand in hand. 

A baby’s health entirely depends on the health of the mama. And if poor mama is over-exhausted, in over her head, or unprepared, the both of you may end up suffering. Who’s that going to help? 

In times like these, you mamas need all the help you can get. Of course, most of you wish to magically receive a postpartum care box at your doorstep. What if we tell you that’s actually possible? Yes, we’re talking about the Mamacare Birthing Box! 

But before that, we must discuss why you need this box in the first place!


What to expect postpartum - Natural birth

So, let's get right to it, shall we?

  • Vaginal soreness

Probably not the most unpredictable of side effects on the list. You have pushed a rather large baby out of your otherwise small vagina, so soreness is to be expected.

Many women ask ‘how long does it take for your vagina to heal after birth’, or ‘what to expect after natural birth’. These queries are legible, but it depends. 

If there is a vaginal tear or a premeditated cut by the surgeon, your wound is going to take time to heal. You can expect to be sore for a few weeks at least. There will be a sharp sting when you pee as well. 

Doctors recommend getting ice pads to sit on (these are like sanitary pads and can be pasted onto the underwear), a squirt bottle to clean the area properly, and Epsom bath salt for the soreness. And how can we forget witch hazel, which seems to be the saving grace among new mamas! 

Get some mommy time! Relax in the warmth of your bathtub to get some relief. Play some soothing music while you’re at it. 

  • Vaginal discharge 

This really is more like The Nile, and less like the teenage period. Discharge after birth will be heavy for new mamas and you must arm yourself. 

With lots of things in the mix from heavy bleeding to the line of your uterus (mucous membrane), the after-birth journey is not sweet on the underwear. The discharge will be red and heavy the first few days turning to watery and pinkish brown and yellowish towards the end. 

Mothers may note that if you’re soaking a pad within an hour and have heavy abdominal pain, you must visit your doctor. 

  • Hemorrhoids and bowel movement 

This is probably one of those complications we don’t want to write about and you don’t want to read. It’s hemorrhoid time! Oh, and poo!

What is hemorrhoid? It refers to the sticking out of a vein in the rectum area (ew, we know), but an educated mama is an undefeated mama. You must learn to recognize hemorrhoids postpartum on yourself and also how to care for them. Pain during bowel movement or swelling near the rectum area could be an indicator of hemorrhoid. 

In such a case, you can again use instant ice pads, witch hazel on a pad, and a washing bottle (squirt bottle) to keep the area clean. Do not eat any foods that will irritate the colon in any way, and drink plenty of water. 

Constipation and diarrhea are other such complications in association with afterbirth mother care. 


  • Breastfeeding and care

Breastfeeding milk to your young one is often thought of as a miraculous experience. While that may be true, mothers must care for their breasts with the utmost significance. 

Many times you are unable to find the proper latching or breastfeeding position, causing pain, itchiness, and sometimes bleeding as well. Engorgement is another implication of breastfeeding, which in layman's language is known as full breasts. Clogged milk ducts, breast discomfort, improper pumping, leaking breasts, and more…the list is endless. 

No need to be alarmed, mommy! You can take relief from likely postpartum products such as breast warm/cold compressors, breastfeeding cover, breastfeeding pillow (to place your baby on so mom can find the right position), breast massager, mattress protector pads (for leaking breasts), and more. 


  • Problems losing weight and abdominal pain

You’re not fat, or big! You’re slowly shrinking! That’s what people tell new mothers when they seem concerned with postpartum weight. 

Your body needs time to heal and you cannot expect it to reduce to its original size, much as we see in the movies. The uterus will shrink bit by bit every day, boosted by the hormone your body produces as soon as you begin breastfeeding. 

To speed up the process and also take care of some abdominal pain you can take support from a postpartum belt. Literally! These belts are fashioned to provide support to the mother’s spine, increase blood flow, shrink the uterus, and reduce any pain in the pelvic area. 

For abdominal pain, you can always choose to soak in a bathtub or use a hot water bottle. 

  • Swollen feet 

This, we’re sure, is not new to you. Swollen feet persist even through pregnancy and continue when the baby is born for a few days. It may be tough for you to walk or run around (since you now have added chores), and these complications may lead you to slow down in taking care of the baby. 

Compression socks postpartum are boons for new mothers everywhere as they compress and relieve pain from the feet. They provide the correct medical compression much needed by a mother going through c-section recovery since she can’t move around and clots are likely to form.  

You also will be wise to buy some grip songs which ensure you don’t fall, with or without the baby in your arms. Grip socks are also an efficient addition to your hospital bag. 


What to expect postpartum - C-section birth 

Postpartum care for mothers who are blessed with a natural birth as opposed to a c-section is mostly the same. C-section mothers are plagued with the same discharge, breastfeeding problems, swollen feet, abdominal pain, bowel movement, pain sitting up, trouble coughing or laughing without holding stitches, blood clots, vaginal dryness, diastasis recti, or the separation of your abdominal muscles, hair loss, loose skin, headaches, and more. etc. 

The difference lies in the birth itself, more so the sutures or stitches a c-section mother endures during birth. 

  • C-section suture care

This, perhaps, is the only pointer that seems different from the ones under natural birth, save for plenty of rest and diet. Suture, or c-section stitches after care is paramount. Do not overdo any exercise or activities since you may tear your stitches. 

Clean and wash the stitches with gentle soap and water, and try to keep your hands off it as much as possible. Your stitch site will itch while it heals but you must not touch it. In times like this you need some c-section postpartum essentials to assist you. 

These are: postpartum belt (help with suture pain), epsom bath salts (to soak in the tub), witch hazel (for itching, soreness, and pain), squirt bottle (to wash stitch site), breastfeeding or nursing pillow (since you cannot hold the baby properly), disposable soft underwear (do not wear elastic around the stitches), etc. 

Mothers can also expect to feel contractions after birth; this only occurs because your vessels contract to reduce blood loss. Visit your doctor if you face major discomfort.

The Birthing Box - Your BFF postpartum 

Are you wondering what, indeed, is a birthing box? Remember how we mentioned a magic box full of all postpartum essentials just appearing at your doorstep. This is precisely what we were referring to. The Mamacare Birthing Box, a new mother’s best friend through thick and thin. 

Our founder, also a new mother, tired and frustrated with all the postpartum complications and the added care of the baby, was struck with this idea of having a procured box for postpartum mothercare. And why not? We have alternatives for everything nowadays don’t we? So why should we not think of the creators of our world?

You will find remedies for all the complications and natural problems stated above. Why don’t we first glance at what entails the Birthing Box. 

The Birthing Box includes 11 postpartum recovery essentials:

  1. Disposable maternity pads (x10)
  2. Disposable instant ice pads (x6)
  3. Disposable soft underwear (x6)
  4. Mattress protector pads (x6)
  5. Epsom salt sachets (x6)
  6. Compression socks
  7. Postpartum belt
  8. Washing bottle
  9. Witch hazel gel
  10. U-shape memory foam sitting cushion
  11. Double-sided grip socks

Let’s understand what each product does!




1. Disposable maternity pads 

Remember how we talked about bleeding and vaginal discharge? Well, here’s where postpartum pads come in handy. Not only do you not have to worry about the staining of your precious bed linens, but you can also have a comfortable sleep due to our wider and thicker dimensions. 

If you’ve read up about using maternity pads after delivery, you must know that they are softer and thicker, with highly adhesive substance for the best application. It also soaks in all the vaginal discharge a mother’s body produces postpartum. 

Our postpartum pads in the UAE are highly adhesive (more than usual), and offer hygiene and care for the mother. Pair them with disposable underwear for c-section stitches. 


2. Disposable instant ice pads

Vaginal soreness can hinder your day to day chores since your mind is focused on the pain in your nether regions. You could also be troubled with hemorrhoids postpartum. This is where our disposable ice pads come in!

Simply crack the middle (just like a neon stick) and apply it to your underwear. Mommies, this is your ‘me time’, so kick back with a nice book, or get ready to binge watch a TV series you have waited to watch forever. 

Don’t worry about leakage or discharge! Since our disposable ice pads are highly absorbent, you don’t have to bother about staining or leaking. These pads here are just what your perineum needs!

It is best to sprinkle some witch hazel onto the pad before a freeze sesh!


3. Disposable soft underwear 

Disposable underwear postpartum is included in most mothers’ hospital bag essentials list since the scratchy and netted hospital ones are no good. Ladies, you must note that disposable underwear is an essential item to have if you have just gone through a c-section. 

You do not want elastic on those delicate c-section stitches. Of course, mothers who go through natural births also can make use of disposable underwear. Who wants to ruin their good underwear with postpartum bleeding, right?

Women often find themselves wondering ‘how many postpartum pads do I need’. Well, our disposable underwear for postpartum come in a pack of ten, which are guaranteed to last 3-5 days.  

Our disposable underwear postpartum comes in a stretchy, high-waist, booty short fit to offer you maximum comfort!


4. Mattress protector pads 


It can be quite frustrating to wake up in the middle of the night finding your night suit stained along with your bedsheets as well. 

Our mattress pads are here to help! They offer full coverage for vaginal and breast feeding leaks. Another benefit of the pads is that they are disposable, which means no more washing (ick). The material is non-woven absorbent with a waterproof base to avoid any messes. 

Wait, there’s more…you can use this essential postpartum product to change the baby’s nappy as well!


5. Epsom salt sachets


As a new mommy, your ‘me time’ is probably the most significant to you. Those long, warm, soaks are what you look forward to, so you can relieve yourself from the soreness. Of running around, and birthing a baby, vaginal soreness, and more!

The solution to all your woes are our Epsom salt sachets! Yes, you’re right! The right quantity with the nutritional qualities of Epsom bath salt, all in one tiny sachet. 

Why is our product the best Epsom salt for postpartum? Because it speeds the healing process for mom, targeting any vaginal tears or stitches (do not use immediately after surgery, wait for at least 5-7 days before soaking). It is also known to ease itching and pain related to breastfeeding as well. 

Basically all that stretching and work you went through to bring your baby into this world will be taken care of with the help of Epsom salt baths. 


6. Compression socks 


After those hours of laboring, a mother may harbor pent up fluids in her body which are very important to be rid of. You see, the swelling in your feet postpartum occurs due to the build up of this fluid. And you need to get yourself a fine pair of compression socks!

Our compression socks come with a fancy zip in the side for better adjustment. Now you may ask ‘how long to wear compression socks postpartum’. 

Mothers may wear compression socks for six weeks from birth, and for as many hours in a day as she prefers. There is no ruling on how many hours one should wear such socks. Our socks apply medical compression to the legs, helping mommy function better for her baby. They also prevent the formation of blood clots and ensure proper circulation. 

Swelling may not reside even after you’ve used compression socks for a while. That’s normal; especially if you’ve had a cesarean baby. Keep on for a few more days and you might begin to notice the results. 

The socks come in a neutral color and are open toed to ensure comfort and circulation. 

You can choose to wear your socks during pregnancy as they can provide support to the legs due to that weight you’re carrying. 


7. Postpartum belt 


A postpartum belt is a hundred percent on the mommy team! It supports mom postpartum by strengthening her spine, and helping shrink her uterus back to size. We like to call it the ‘mommy corset’. Fancy, isn’t it?

Postpartum belts are known to stimulate blood flow and assist the mother in the weight loss she needs; the results are not dramatic. 

A maternity belt postpartum speeds the healing process and takes care of c-section mamas by being gentle on their stitches while also helping them heal! Our efficient postpartum belt can help moms get back to shape with the help of medical-grade compression. 

The built-in 4 metal cartilage provided in the back allows for no girdle or deformation, preventing the belt from curling. The belt also contains extra tabs to help support the back best. 

8. Washing bottle - squirt bottle 


How do you get to washing your perineum without bending in different ways, or ending up feeling pain due to the increased pressure of a water hose?

Impossible right? Your perineum is healing and it needs proper washing and care without you damaging it further. The best option for you is our squirt bottle! You can use this special bottle to care for a hemorrhoid as well!

This product is best used while using the bathroom. The spray works as a soothing balm to the sting when you pee (vaginal or perineal soreness). We refer to it as a ‘portable bidet’!

Our No-sting Bottle comes with a narrow angled nozzle that can be easily pointed and sprayed at the mother’s convenience. Most mothers have their perineal areas swollen and sore even if they go through natural birth, and C-section mothers have it worse!

9. Witch Hazel 


Shouldn’t witch hazel be termed as the ultimate fairy godmother for new mothers already? 

Its healing and soothing properties have made it part of postpartum care for a while now. The herb is known to have anti-inflammatory properties along with the penchant to soothe irritated skin. This is an excellent solution for perineum soreness, itchiness related to breastfeeding, hemorrhoids, and more!

Our witch hazel gel bottle is 100 ml and has the consistency of aloe vera gel . 

You can apply some of our gel to your cooling pads, or use a washcloth to gently cleanse the area you need to soothe with the gel and apply directly. If pain or itching continues despite the use of the gel, you may want to consult a doctor.

10. U-shape memory foam cushion


No, this is not for you to only play with! It has other redeeming qualities, even if memory foam is a hell lot of fun!

Our u-shaped memory foam cushion is the perfect seat for a new mom as it helps relieve hemorrhoids and improve blood flow to the stitches, quickening the healing process. So get one now for the most comfortable seat you’ll ever have!


11. Double-sided grip socks


Mama, you need something sustainable to help you stand, walk, and run (now that the baby is here)! And who better to have as your companions than our double sided grip socks?

Our socks are likely friends in need during pregnancy, labor, delivery, and afterbirth; they never have to leave your side. The tube socks come in a free size (fits all), are a lovely gray color, and have a steady grip at the top and bottom for security. 

These are now a prime choice for new mothers to move around freely in the house with or without the baby in their arms!



So, here were our carefully curated items in a Birthing Box! Are you now convinced that receiving a picked and packed box full of all the essential postpartum products is exactly what you need?
The Birthing Box saves you from those hours of research you would otherwise pour into finding out the correct product to use postpartum and also heading out to the store to purchase them! Why go through such lengths when you have quality and thought right in front of you?
Head to the Mamacare products page now and help yourself to our Birthing Box. It is also considered one among the best postpartum gifts for new mothers!